We especially recommend the following tourist attractions, towns and villages:

Image: © Stadt Aschaffenburg


The former secondary residence of the prince bishops and archbishops of Mainz is one of the most significant German renaissance buildings. The castle, built by Georg Riedinger on the right bank of the river Main with shining red sand stone (1605-1618) consists of four three- storey wings around a square courtyard with staircase towers in the corners.

Get more information on the homepage of the Bavarian administration of state owned castles, gardens and lakes under


Inspired by the excavations in Pompeji, King Ludwig I. of Bavaria had this ideal copy of a Roman private house built 1840-1848 by the architect Friedrich von Gärtner. On the ground floor the reception and guest rooms, the kitchen, and the dining rooms are arranged aroundtwo inner courtyards, the atrium with its water basin, and the green viridarium in the back part of the house.

Get more information on the homepage of the Bavarian administration of state owned castles, gardens and lakes under

Image: © Stadt Aschaffenburg

Image: © Till Benzin, Stadt Aschaffenburg


The abbey basilica belongs to the townscape of Aschaffenburg like the castle. As the only church worldwide dedicated to St. Peter and Alexander, the foundation of the abbey, a monastery-like community of worldly priests, goes back to Duke Liudolf of Swabia (died 957) and his wife Ida. At the festival celebrating 1000 years of existence in 1958 pope Pius XII. made this place of worship a basilica minor, which makes it the only papal basilica in the diocese Würzburg.

Get more information on the homepage of the parish community St. Martin under


The well known water castle lies hidden in a quiet valley of the Spessart forest. The castle is built in the renaissance style and celebrated its 600 years jubilee in 2012. It is known for example as film set for “Das Wirtshaus im Spessart” (The Inn in the Spessart forest) with the actors Liselotte Pulver and Carlos Thompson as well as location for the theatre play. Due to its hidden location the castle survived all wars unmarred and has been retained in its original form. Mespelbrunn Castle is privately owned to the present day. Since the beginning of the 1950s the owners have been committed to maintain the building as a monument as well as open it to the public.

Get more information on the homepage of the castle administration Mespelbrunn under

Image: © Rainer Lippert, Wikipedia #54353500 | Urheber: mojolo


First mentioned in documents from 1237, the town looks back on a colourful past. Wine growing and trade, shipping, fishing, wood and stone industry were the most important motors for economic growth. Today you can recognize the former importance of Miltenberg by the magnificent half-timbered buildings, for example at the old market place – known better as “Schnatterloch” – or by the “Gasthaus zum Riesen”, the oldest lodging for dukes in Germany. The Schwarzviertel (black quarter), the oldest part of the town, huddles between Main and Greinberg. A perfect background for scary stories and legends, which you can listen to on a guided tour.

Get more information on the homepage of the tourism community Miltenberg Bürgstadt Kleinheubach under

There are many more attractions and towns in our area, which we can especially recommend to you. For example: Alzenau with its castle from the 15th century, Amorbach with its former abbey and the Templar building, Klingenberg am Main with its Clingenburg castle (15th century) and the viewing tower, as well as Seligenstadt with its Einhard Basilica and the magnificent half-timbered buildings. Contact us – we would love to give you further information and advice.