The responsible body as defined by current data protection laws, especially by the EU General Data Protection Regulation is:

Gasthof Weißes Roß GmbH
Managing Director: Jörg Löffler
Aschaffenburger Str. 2
D-63801 Kleinostheim (Germany)
Telephone: 06027/4688-0

Your data subject rights

Using the contact data of our data protection officer you can at any time exercise the following rights:

  • obtaining access to the personal data held by us (Art. 15 DSGVO),
  • rectification of inaccurate data (Art. 16 DSGVO),
  • erasure of your personal data held by us (Art. 17 DSGVO),
  • restriction of data processing when erasure is not yet allowed due to legal obligations
  • objection to processing your data by us (Art. 21 DSGVO) and
  • Data portability, if you have agreed to data processing or contracted with us (Art. 20 DSGVO)

In case you gave your consent you always have the right to withdrawal with effect for the future.

You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the appropriate regulation authority (Art. 77 DSGVO i.V.m. § 19 BDSG).Your appropriate regulation authority is based on the federal state your residence, your work place, or the alleged violation belongs to. You will find a list of the regulation authorities (for the non public field) with address here:

Collecting general information when visiting our website

Nature and purpose of processing:

When you visit our website, that is to say when you don’t register or transfer information in other ways, information of general nature are collected automatically. This information (server logfiles) contain e.g. the kind of web browser, the used system software, the name of the domain of your internet service provider, your IP address, etc. These are only data which in no way allow identification of your person.

They are mainly processed for the following purposes:

  • ensuring a smooth connection buildup of the website
  • ensuring a smooth exploitation of our website
  • evaluation of the security and stability of the system, as well as
  • further administrative purposes.

We don’t use your data to draw conclusions about your person. Information of this kind may be used statistically as appropriate to optimise our internet presence and the technology behind it.

Legal basis:

Processing is carried out according to Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO, based on our legitimate interest concerning the improvement of stability and functionality of our website.


Data recipients are only the responsible authority and technicians in charge of operation and maintenance of our website, if appropriate.

Retention period:

Data will be erased as soon as they are no longer necessary for the purpose of the collection. This usually occurs for data used for the provision of the website after the end of the respective session.

Provision required or necessary:

Provision of the above mentioned personal data is required neither legally nor by contract. Without the IP address, however, the service and the operability of our website cannot be granted. Moreover, single services may not be available or restricted. Therefore an objection is excluded.


Nature and prupose of processing:

Your data are used exclusively for sending you the subscribed newsletter via email. We need your name to address you personally in the newsletter and to identify you as appropriate, if you want to make use of your rights as person concerned.

For receiving the newsletter it is sufficient to provide your email address. When subscribing for the newsletter the data provided by you are exclusively used for this purpose. Subscribers may also be informed via email about conditions relevant for service or registration (e.g. change of the newsletter services or technical circumstances).

To grant a proper registration we need a valid email address. To check if the login is really carried out by the holder of an email address, we use the double-opt-in procedure. Therefore we record the ordering of the newsletter, the sending of a confirmation mail and the receipt of the hereby requested answer. No further data are collected. The data are exclusively used for sending the newsletter and not passed down to third parties.

Legal basis:

Based on your explicit consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) we regularly send you our newsletter and similar information, respectively, via email to your indicated email address.

Your consent to save your personal data and their use for sending the newsletter may be objected with effect for the future at any time. You find a respective link in every newsletter. Moreover, you may deregister this website at any time or tell us your revocation via the conctact link given at the end of this data protection declaration.


Data are only received by the responsible authority and people in charge of order processing, respectively.

Retention period:

In this respect date are only processed as long as the respective consent is obtained. After that they will be erased.

Provision required or necessary:

Providing your personal data is on a volontary basis. Without your consent we regret not to be able to send you the newsletter.

Contact form

Nature and purpose of processing:

The data provided by you are collected for the purpose of individual communication with you. Therefore we need a valid email address as well as your name. These serve for the assignment of the inquiry and the following answer. Providing more data is optional.

Legal basis:

Processing of the data entered in the contact form is carried out on the basis of legitimate interest (Art 6 Abs. 1 lit f DSGVO).

By providing the contact form we want to give you an uncomplicated way of contacting us. Your data are stored for dealing with your request and for possible questions from our side.

If you contact us to inquire about an offer, your data entered in the contact form are processed for precontractual purposes (Art 6 Abs. 1 lit b DSGVO).


Data are only received by the responsible authority and people in charge of order processing, respectively.

Retention period:

Data are erased 6 month after dealing with the inquiry the latest.

If a contract is concluded, we are subject to the legal storage terms according to HGB and erase your data when these terms expire.

Provision required or necessary:

Providing your personal data is on a volontary basis. We are, however, only able to deal with your inquiry if you give us your name, your email address and the reason for your inquiry.

Use of script libraries (google webfonts)

Nature and purpose of processing:

We use „Google web fonts“ of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; nachfolgend „Google”) to present our contents correctly and graphically cross browser.

You will find the privacy policy of Google here:

Legal basis:

The legal basis for the use of Google webfonts and the connected data transfer to Google is your consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO).


Visiting script libraries or fonts libraries automatically starts a connection to the providers. Theoretically it could happen, that the provider, in this case Google, collects data. At the moment it is not clear if or for which purposes this is the case.

Retention period:

We do not collect data through the use of Google webfonts.

More information about Google webfonts you will find here: und in der Datenschutzerklärung von Google:

Transfer to third countries:

Google processes your data in USA and accepts the EU_US Privacy Shield

Provision required or necessary:

Providing personal data is mandatory neither legally nor contractually. Without Google webfonts, however, the contents cannot be plotted correctly by standard scripts.

Withdrawal of consent:

For presenting the contents we regularly use the programming language JavaScript. You can object the data processing by deactivating JavaScript in your browser or install a JavaScript blocking. Please note that in this case there may be functional limitations on the website.

Use of Google Maps

Nature and purpose of processing:

On this website we use the services of Google Maps. Google maps is provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (hereinafter called „Google”) . So we can show interactive maps directly on the website and enable you to comfortably use the map functions.

More information about the data processing by Google you find in the Google privacy policy. In their data protection centre you can also change your personal data protection settings.

Detailed advice for maintaining your own data in connection with Google products you find here.

Legal basis:

Legal basis for the use of Google maps and the connected data transfer to Google is your consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO) .


Through your visit of the website Google receives information that you have visited the respective sub page of our website. This happens whether or not Google provides a user account for log-in. If you are logged in at Google your data are directly assigned to your account.

In case you don’t want the assignment in your Google profile you have to log out Google before you activate the button. Google retents your data as usage profile and uses them for the purposes of advertising, market analysis and/or needs-based presentation of its website. Such evaluation especially serves (even for users not logged in) for presenting needs-based advertisements and for informing other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the set-up of these user profiles, to exercise this, however, you have to contact Google.

Retention period:

We don’t collect personal data by using Google maps.

Transfer to third countries:

Google processes your data in USA and accepts the EU_US Privacy Shield

Withdrawal of consent:

If you don’t want Google to collect, process or use your data via our website, you can deactivate JavaScript in your browser settings. In this case, however, you cannot use our website or only in a limited way.

Provision required or necessary:

Providing personal data is voluntary, only based on your consent. If you block access, the functions of the website may be limited.

Embedded YouTube videos

Nature and purpose of processing:

We embed YouTube videos in some of our websites. Provider of the respective plug-ins is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA (hereinafter called „YouTube”). If you visit a website using the YouTube plug-in, a connection to the YouTube servers will be established, thus telling YouTube which sites you visit. If you are logged in your YouTube account, YouTube can assign your surfing behaviour to you personally. You can prevent this by logging out your YouTube account before.

Each time a YouTube video is started, the provider uses cookies to collect data concerning the user behaviour.

Further information about purpose and amount of the data collection and their processing by YouTube you will find in the privacy policy of the provider. There you also get further information about your respective rights and settings possibilities for the protection of your privacy (

Legal basis:

Legal basis for the involvement of YouTube and the connected data transfer to Google is your consent (Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO). Google processes your data in USA and accepts the EU_US Privacy Shield


Visiting YouTube automatically starts a connection to Google.

Retention period and withdrawal of consent:

Those who have deactivated the retention of cookies for the Google-ad-program won’t have cookies when watching YouTube videos. However YouTube stores non-personal using information also in other cookies. If you want to prevent this you have to block the retention of cookies in your browser.

Further information about data protection at YouTube you will find in the privacy policy of the provider:

Transfer to third countries:

Google processes your data in the USA and has submitted to the EU_US Privacy Shield

Provision required or necessary:

Providing personal data is voluntary, only based on your consent. If you block access, the functions of the website may be limited.


To protect the privacy of your data during transfer we use state of the art encryption technologies (e.g. SSL) via HTTPS.

Change of our privacy policies

We reserve the right to adapt this privacy policy to ensure its correspondence to current laws or to realize changes of our services in the privacy policy. In this case for your next visit the new privacy policy is valid.

Questions to the data protection officer

Should you have any questions concerning data protection, please write an email or directly turn to the person in charge of data protection in our organisation

This privacy policy has been set up with the privacy policy generator of activeMind AG (version 2018-06-15).